Life is not fair.

Hoyt Byrum

April 7, 2020 was the day a dear friend died. I will call her “Susie”. She was leaving for her teaching position that morning but she experienced a heart attack and died later that morning. “Susie” was two months away from retiring.

In my April 7, 2021 post I described some feelings I have had related to my loss. Many of you responded with expressions of support and encouragement. Thanks to all my friends for such support.

Feelings are the result of beliefs. “This wasn’t fair” – a belief. The feeling associated with that belief? Anger, cheated, etc.

Albert Ellis introduced a form of therapy called Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) in the 1950’s. His basic supposition is that events do not create feelings, beliefs about those events do. Change your belief system, change your feelings and your behaviors. Change your life.

Looking at life through the lens of The 3G Lifestyle can change your feelings and your behaviors, resulting in a changed life and a happier life. My next posts will explain that more fully but let me just say that one of the most damaging beliefs we all hold onto to some extent is the belief I call “entitlement.” It is the enemy of gratitude. More on that to come in future posts.